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RANKED BUMP CHART step by step.

Writer's picture: Bhagyashree KulkarniBhagyashree Kulkarni

Bump Chart -

Bump Chart is nothing but a Line Chart where Rank changes based on particular Time zone. Well, this chart is normally used to compares the ranking of any Dimension based on particular Measure value over a period of time.

Bump charts offer viewers a concept of ranking by comparing values of similar entities over time or place. Line, Area, and Stream graphs are close to bump charts, with the main difference being each line represents an entity within a certain category, and ranking is the goal of the expression. Each line can also show the volume of the entity's data, as you can see in the example below. The values represented are numerical, usually in integer form, but could possibly show percentages or fractions in other situations.

Pre-processing is involved in this graph type. Totals need to be calculated at defined time intervals, and those are then associated to each entity and then related to the totals of other entities in the same category, giving us a ranking at each interval. As lines cross each other along the graph, it would define a change in ranking between two entities.

There are many things going on within the mapping and resultant display of this graph. Entities are being compared to one another, their values dynamically display on the Y-axis, and all of this is related to the context of time on the X-axis. It is important to be mindful of the amount of entities you choose to analyze because, as you can see in the poor chart examples, the information can be lost in too many colors or overlapping lines. Also, the relative thickness of the line needs to be thoughtfully chosen and scaled.

Problem Statement- In this blog we are going to make a Bump Chart based on Sub-category and Profit, also displaying the Rank of each Sub-category over the period.

Dataset - Sample Superstore.

Load Sample Superstore dataset.

Step by Step Guideline for Ranked Bump Chart-

Start by creating a Line chart based on Profit and Sub-Category. The type of time series we are using is Month Discrete.

Step 1- Drag Order Date to Columns shelf and Profit to Rows shelf.

Step 2- Change Order Date to Month Discrete.

Step 3- Change the view to Entire View.

Step 4- Drag Subcategory Name in the Color Marks card.

Step 5- Apply Rank quick table calculation on profit. Click on the Profit field drop-down and go to “Quick Table Calculation” within that select “Rank”.

Step 6- Click on the profit field drop-down again and go to “Compute Using” within that select “Subcategory Name”.

Once selected this is how the chart should look like:

You can notice the Axis is starting from 18 whereas it should start from 1. So, in order to correct this, reverse the Axis.

Step 7- Right-click on the Axis and select “Edit Axis”.

Step 8- In the Dialogue box select Reversed under Scale section.

Step 9- Remove the negative Profit by filtering the Profit. Click on Next> Button. Set the Range to 0.

Once Clicked on OK how the chart should look like.

Step 10- Now, the chart is basically completed, just duplicate the Rank Profit field in the rows shelf.

Step 11- Change the Mark type of the second chart to Circle.

Step 12- Create a Dual-axis by Clicking on SUM(Profit) drop-down option.

Step 13- Select Dual Axis option. The following changes should be seen.

Step 14- After that Right click on Rank of Profit Axis and Select Synchronize Axis Option.

After Synchronizing Axis, you will get following Chart.

Step 15- Drag SUM(Profit) to Label Marks card.

Step 16- Align them in a way that the Rank number resides inside the Circle. For that Click on Label and Select Middle and Center alignment.

Output- Here you get the Output. Visually Bump Chart is so Amazing.

And you can Select any Sub-category and See the Ranking of that Sub-category over the period.

You can Change the background color, Go to Format tab and Select Shading option.

Change the color of worksheet from white to black, you can see the below changes.

And you can Select any Sub-category and See the Ranking of that Sub-category over the period.

If we closely observe the below screenshot, after selecting Binders Sub-category, In January the rank was 1 and then it went down to 2 in February and March then it again gets back to 1 in April. and so, on it fluctuates and in November it went down to 5 and again raise in December back to 1. Similarly, you can select any Sub-category and observe the ranking in Aggregated month of years.

Let's see one more Screenshot, after selecting Fasteners Sub-category, In January the rank was 17 and then it went up to 15 in February and In March then it again gets back to 17 till August. In September and in November it goes up to 16 rest it is keep 17 Rank.


After creating the Bump Chart, we get to know Concept of ranking by comparing values of similar entities over time or place. Also Ranking of Profit for each Sub-category in all aggregated Month of Years. Bump Chart is very easy and effective way of showing it.


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