Bar chart is a rectangular parallel bar which represents the comparison between the different categories of the data we need to Analyse. There are different types of Bar charts based on arrangement of the rectangular bars and the requirements of the data to Analyse.
some of them are:
horizontal bar chart
vertical bar chart
stacked bar chart
segmented bar chart
clustered bar chart: multiple bar chart, multi-series bar chart.
There are many variations in Bar chart some of them are column chart, divergence bar chart, water fall chart, thermometer bar chart, Rounded bar chart, Butterfly Bar Chart.,
STACKED Bar Chart:
Stacked Bar Chart is the Extension of the standard Bar Chart. Unlike in the standard Bar Chart where each Bar represents each value of each category, here in the stacked Bar Chart each bar represents the sub-categories by dividing each bar into sub-bars and stacking the sub-bars from end to end on the same each bar.
Stacked bars charts are commonly used the Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart, Percentage Bar Chart, value annotations. By unstacking the Bar, it gives the GROUPED BAR Chart. These Charts also known as the SEGMENTED BAR CHARTS.
Clustered Bar Chart:
Clustered Bar Chart is also known as the Grouped Bar Chart, Multi-series Bar Chart. In this Bars are grouped for each level of secondary categories in one position of the different primary categories. Each sub-category bars are represented with different colors in the same position and same color in the different positions while comparing the values of the data. Here the Primary category of the data determines the position of each cluster whereas the number of bars in each cluster is represented by the number of secondary level or sub-categories present in the data. While plotting the chart we need to decide which categories are considered as primary and secondary categories variables based on the knowledge of the data and the comparisons required.
PROS and CONS of Bar chart:
Bar chart gives a clear comparison and can be easily interpreted. Effective in illustrating the trends and patterns of the data. It is more effective in showcasing the discrete data than the continuous data. Versatile in visualizing the data.
To clear and easily interpreting and understanding the data Bar Chart is the most effective one which is simple and straight forward to compare different categories or variables used in the particular data.
To visualize the relationships between the different categories Bar Chart uses the Vertical or Horizontal Bars which makes easier to show the similarities and differences of different categories of given data. It gives the quick and accurate comparisons between the data with the length of the Bar representing the value of the categories. For visual aid customizing the Bars as need like giving the labels, coloring the bars, stacking the bars, grouping the bars it gives the quick glance of the Comparisions of the different categories which makes the chart more versatile and effective in representing the data.
Because of its clarity, accuracy, accessibility, ability to showcase the comparisons between the different categories, flexible and adaptability characters it is widely used in different fields such as financing, marketing, healthcare, education etc.,
cons: Bar Charts oversimplify the complex relationships between the data as it shows the gaps between the bars it appears like the data in between is not represented with the Bar Charts. It shows some limitations towards the continuous data.
Racing Bar Chart is a Dynamic Interactive Animated Chart. Racing Bar Chart illustrates the data changes over the time for the unique participants and these changes are represented by the length of the bars in the chart.
Example Data set:
Let's build a Racing Bar Visualization with an example of population growth of the world from 1950 to 2021 set from This set has the population growth of different age groups of the population of different countries and the total population of the world.
Steps to build a racing chart using bars:
IMPORT Data: Import the data set to the Tableau.
Drag the population and drop it to columns.
Drag the Country name and drop it to color and label under the marks.
Create a calculated field called Rank_Unique.
using Rank_Unique function and sum function over the Population Column so that it shows the country names according to the rank given to it based on the total population of the country over the time.
Rank_Unique gives the unique Ranks to the same population it won't repeat the same Rank likewise in Rank Function.
Drag and Drop the Rank_Unique to rows and configure the rank from continuous to discrete
Now compute the rank_unique using the Country name
Rank_unique--->computing using--->Country name
Now to create the dynamic interactive animation over the chart we required the time period which is the year column that ranges from 1950 to 2021
To configure the animation, Drag and drop the year to pages.
Turn the animation on which is in the format, keep the workbook default and transition duration to the required speed.
For convenience purpose and visibility of the different entries of the chart confined the visible entries to top 10 entireties.
Drag and Drop the Rank_unique to the filters then ok.
Compute rank_unique using country name and keep then to 10.
Compute rank_unique using country name and keep then to 10.
Customize the chart in accordance with the required needs like hiding the X-axis and Y -axis, sheet name, formatting the worksheet and dashboard like shading and adjusting the font size hiding the gridlines etc.,