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Anuradha Gupta

Importing Data to Trello- Two Ways

Management and collaboration across cross-functional teams is vital to the success of any project. In recent times, the number of teams in any project have increased, thus increasing the complexity in management of the teams. For continuous collaboration, an effective Project Management Platform is required that will automate the processes and increase productivity.

One such platform for effective Project Management that helps to collaborate and manage information across the organization is Trello. It helps design workspaces according to different departments and projects, thus helping in dividing the tasks in the forms of cards. It helps organize information and tasks and see what’s the timeline of every task and its status.

On the other hand, Microsoft Excel is a Spreadsheet Application. It is used to make grids of text, numbers, and formulae that define calculations. Since, Excel is used in organizations to record their expenditures, incomes, day-to-day activities, etc., it will be required to Import Excel to Trello.

Want to quickly upload data to Trello and don't know how to proceed with that, let me help you!

Instead of manually copying and pasting each item from an excel sheet/spreadsheet, the tasks can be quickly uploaded to Trello.

Here’s how you can do it in Two ways:

Import single column in Excel

Steps to import:

1. Open the existing Trello Board or Create a New Board. For creating a New Board, click on the “+” button on the top-right corner or click on “Create new board”.

2. Now, you can add lists to the Board marking the different statuses of your project timeline such as

“To Do, “In Progress”, “Done”, by clicking on the “Add a list” option.

3. Now, to Import Excel to Trello, you have to copy individual columns at a time. So, first go to the Excel sheet, select the records in a column which you want to import, and copy them.

4. Now, go to your Trello Board, and click on “Add a card” in the List where you want to import the copied data in the process to Import Excel to Trello.

5. When you paste the columns in the card in Trello, it asks if you want to create multiple cards.

6. When you click on Create 10 Cards, all the individual cards will be created in the List.

Similarly, you can copy paste in the other lists as well and complete your board in Trello. See, how easy it was! Just you have to copy and paste the columns from Excel to Trello and the new cards are created in Trello in no time.


The limitations involved while you import Excel to Trello are as follows:

  • When you Import Excel to Trello, you have to manually copy and paste the fields individually from Microsoft Excel to Trello cards, it is quite time-consuming.

  • You must continuously move between Microsoft Excel and Trello hence the manual process is quite less efficient.

Using Powerup: Import Multiple columns in Excel

In Excel, you have multiple columns to import to Trello, then manually copy pasting them would take up a lot of time, so to increase the efficiency we are going to use the Powerup- Import to Trello by Blue Cat (CSV, Excel)

To import from Google Sheets, you will need to save your file as a CSV file from google sheets, which can then be opened and imported.

The steps to import using Powerup are as follows:

1. Open the existing Trello Board or Create a New Board in Trello

2. Now, you can add lists to the Board marking the different statuses of your project timeline such as “To Do, “In Progress”, “Done”, by clicking on the “Add a list” option.

3. You can also create any labels or custom fields to align the data from the Excel sheet.

4. Go to Powerups in Trello, search for powerup “Import to Trello by Blue Cat (CSV, Excel) “and add it.

5. Open the CSV or Excel file you want to import

6. Select how to map your data into Trello

7. Click the import button and all your cards will be created

The Trello fields here can be explained as:

· Card name: Card Title

· Card description: Adds to the description of the card

· List: Name of the list (‘To do, Doing, Done’) the card is imported into.

· Members: Names of the members to assign this card to

· Labels: Names and/or colors of the labels to add to this card

· Due date: maps to the card due date

· Address: maps to the card address

· Location Name: maps to the card location

· Coordinates: maps to the card coordinates

If there is data that cannot be imported, then it will show something like this

To correct these errors, you will either need to create the matching List/Label/Custom Field/etc. on your Trello board or update your spreadsheet to change those values to match Trello. Or you can ignore those issues and import the spreadsheet without that data.


Importing data from Excel to Trello is quite simple once you know it, the method that you use depends on your project or campaign. To conclude, if you have fewer columns in Excel, you can simply copy paste from the Excel/spreadsheet to import the data.

If you have multiple columns or a large data set in Excel, you can use the Import to Trello by Blue Cat (CSV, Excel) powerup so that the tasks can be imported to the Trello Board in little time and the team can start working on them. It increases the efficiency and productivity of the team.


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