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How to create Project, Stories, Task, Subtask, Bugs, Reports into Jira Board and Create Test Case, Test Cycle, Test Plan and Test Report with QMetry

Writer's picture: Kavita PakhaleKavita Pakhale

The Agile methodology is a project management approach that involves breaking the project into phases and emphasizes continuous collaboration and improvement.

Jira keeps teams focused, motivated, and on schedule by breaking large, complex projects into smaller, more manageable sprints. Jira is the agile project management tool used by teams to plan, track, release and support. It is the single source for your entire development lifecycle.

The workflow with the JIRA tool is simple and easy to understand and use. It helps manage tasks, track bugs, monitor progress, and facilitate collaboration among developers, testers, and other stakeholders.

Guidelines to create a project into Jira

Step 1- In Project templates Select Software development and choose Scrum option

Step 2- In the next slide click on Use template

Step 3- In Scrum go with- Select a team managed project

Step 4- Mention the Name of your Project then Jira tool automatically creates the unique key and click on Next button.

In Jira, a project key is a series of alphanumeric characters that identifies the work related to a project. The project key is also used to tag all the issues that are created in the project.

Step 5- Select Teams from title bar and Invite new team members into the project by sending invitations through email.

Step 6- Add email address then by clicking Enter add the team members, in this way can add all team members.

Step 7- Once by clicking the add button, we will get the Successfully added message.

Step 8- By clicking the Add “+ Create Epic” button we can add Epics. And By Clicking + button we can add stories under Epic

The timeline view helps visualize the timing, duration, and dependencies of issues within your project. Easily view how long tasks take to complete and when things will land. It gives a general overview of the status of the project.

Step 9- Add the Epics and Stories means Modules and Scenarios under Epics.

An epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller stories

User stories provide further detail on what needs to be done by each team member.

Step 10- Under Stories we can change the status as per our workflow.

In Jira, work item status indicates where a work item is in the development process. The three typical statuses in a project management project are “To Do”, “In Progress”, and “Done”.

Step11- Fill up the information into user story Details- Assignee, Sprint and Story point estimate

Assignee is the person who is responsible for getting an issue resolved.

A sprint is a fixed time period where teams complete work from their product backlog.

Story points are a unit of measurement that estimates the amount of work needed to complete a task.

1 Story points= 4 Hours.

Step 12- Under Stories, by using Add a child issue we can add more Positive and Negative Scenarios with Story points, Assignee, and status

Child issues allows you to break down larger user stories into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks. This helps in tracking progress, assigning work to specific team members, and providing more granular updates on the status of each sub-task.

Step 13- Enable Epics by Drag and drop the stories on the backlog and start the sprint.

A product backlog is a prioritized list of work for the development team that is derived from the product roadmap and its requirements.

Step 14- We can start the sprint duration and start date by clicking the Start Sprint button.

A sprint is a fixed time period where teams complete work from their product backlog.

Step 15- When team members identify a bug, they can create an issue in Jira and include all relevant details, such as a description of the issue. Additionally, they can attach screenshots or other relevant files to provide context for the bug.

Step 16- Assignee needs to update the status of work from To Do to Done within Sprint duration.

A board shared view of all work that hasn’t started, work that is in progress, and work that is completed.

Step17- Reports that we can use to show information about our project, epics, sprints, and issues.

We can generate the Various Reports in Jira like Burnup chart, Burndown chart, Cumulative flow diagram.

Step 17A- Burnup chart keeps track of what has been accomplished across the sprint. It contains a completed work line.

Step 17B- The Burndown chart shows the actual work remaining.

Step 17C- The Cumulative flow diagram shows the status of Sprint.

Step 18- From Apps installed the QMetry plugin.

QMetry is an automation tool that enables organizations to achieve end-to-end test automation process seamlessly. QMetry provides the users with a quick and efficient process of creating a Test Cycle.

Step 18A- Create Test Case with QMetry

In QMetry Test Management for Jira, a test case can be used multiple times and linked to many cycles and releases. The execution status of each test case is independent of each cycle, allowing organizations to run the same test case repeatedly without affecting the results between runs.

Step 18B- Create Test Cycle with QMetry

A test cycle in QMetry for Jira is a way for testers to organize and track test execution. Test cycles are a collection of test cases that are grouped to achieve specific testing goals. They can be assigned to particular testers and test environments

Step 18C- Create Test Plan with QMetry

A test plan in QMetry Test Management for Jira is a logical group of test cycles that are executed in a specific phase. Test plans can be created for a particular sprint or version, and multiple test cycles can be linked to them during the planning phase. This grouping allows for easy tracking of execution progress.

Step 18C- Create Test Report with QMetry

Test Reports Summarizes test cases based on priority, workflow status, component, or label.

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