Heroku is a platform to easily deploy and host your application,without going through the headache of setting up manually.Heroku has free tier where you can deploy your application without paying.
Heroku holds a user static files,but if you want to store static files like images you can use AWS S3 buckets as well.
Let’s go ahead and Signup account on Heroku by clicking below link. www.heroku.com
If Git Version Control is not installed,please use below link to install https://git-scm.com/downloads and choose Operating system you are using.
Once your Heroku account created,then install Heroku Command Line Interface(CLI). CLI allows to deploy the application from your Command Prompt or Pycharm Terminal by clicking the below link. You can install Heroku CLI and choose your Operating System .
In order to check CLI is installed or not by checking in command prompt as mentioned below.
Commands to Deploy Application:
Lets login to Heroku account through command prompt.
By entering the below command, you will be prompted to Heroku login page by Pressing any key to open up the browser to login,then login to Heroku account and after you arelogged in through your command prompt.
CMD > Heroku login
Next you need to change the path to your project folder as mentioned below.
cd C:\PycharmProjects\YourProjectName
Let’s install some packages required for deployment by running below commands.
pip install gunicorn
pip install boto3
pip install Django-storage
pip install Django-Heroku
pip install psycopg2
To check dependencies , run the below command in CMD
pip freeze
Now let’s create a requirements.txt file,which holds all your dependencies required for the project and it will store your dependencies by giving a below command.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Check in the project folder whether file is created or not.
Create a folder called .gitignore in the project directory. Then copy all the files from below link and paste into newly created folder (i.e. .gitignore)
We need two more files to create in the project folder, Procfile and runtime.txt. For Procfile don’t mention any extension (i.e. .txt, or .html)
In Procfile you need paste the below code
web: gunicorn yourrootfoldername.wsgi
In runtime.file need to mention Python version which you are using i.e. python-3.x.x
Next step is to create a Heroku App in Heroku account by clicking NEW tab. NEW->Create New App , then Type app name .
This creates a domain name for your app,you open you domain name by using below command and it automatically open URL in browser with default site.
cmd>Heroku open
Or by using command line you can create your appname.
cmd>heroku create myherokuappavailable
cmd>Heroku open
Below code need to be added in settings.py file.
import django_heroku
import psycopg2
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['yourappnameUrl.com','']
import dj_database_url
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'staticfiles')
EMAIL_HOST_USER = os.environ.get('EMAIL_ID')
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'postgres',
'USER': os.environ.get('AWS_DB_USER'),
'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('AWS_DB_PASSWORD'),
'HOST': os.environ.get('AWS_HOST'),
'PORT': '5432',
Time to deploy your application to Heroku using Git commands:
To initiate your git repository,add,commit and push your code,please follow below commands.
git init
git add -A
To check file status
git status
git commit -m “Initial Commit”
git push heroku master
Now application is deployed to Heroku.
Let’s set all config environment variables through command prompt or add config variables from your Heroku app on website.
Run the below command on your command prompt to set config variable,for example:
cmd>heroku config:set email-id=”emailid@gmail.com”
above ‘email-id’ is your environment variable and ‘emailid@gmail.com’ is the value.By following the above command you can set your all config variables.
Or Set config variables on Heroku app website
myherokuappavailable->settings->Reveal config vars
If you change the code in project, repeat all above commands of Git to deploy the changes.
Command to migrate code
heroku run python manage.py migrate
Command to CreateSuperUser
heroku run python manage.py createsuperuser
Now you are all set,your application is deployed in Heroku server.