Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that helps businesses analyze large datasets and gain insights from them. One of the key features of Tableau is sets, which are used to group certain dimension values that are relevant to a particular problem. Sets allow users to create subsets of data that can be analyzed separately, allowing for more focused analysis and actionable insights.
One practical use case for sets is in tracking the highest and lowest selling products to facilitate efficient inventory planning. By leveraging visual analytics using sets, businesses can easily identify and prioritize which products require attention.
To understand how sets work in Tableau, let's take a closer look at an example. Imagine a retail business that sells a wide range of products, want to analyze its sales data to identify the highest and lowest profitable products, in order to make more informed decisions about inventory planning.
To do this, the business can create a set of the top 10 products based on profit, and another set of the bottom 10 products based on profits.
Once the sets have been created, the business can easily analyze the sales data for these products using visualizations in Tableau.
Creating and Utilizing Sets in Tableau: A Step-by-Step Guide
In this section, we will explore the process of creating sets in Tableau. To demonstrate, we will use a sample superstore dataset to identify the Top N and Bottom N products based on profit. Product name will serve as the critical dimension, while profit will be the measure used to create sets.
Step 1: Establish a connection with the Superstore dataset in Tableau
Step 2: Establish Relationships between Tables by Dragging and Dropping them into the Workspace
Step 3: Drag and drop Profit in Column shelf and Product name in Row shelf and arrange them in descending order
Step 4: Create a Parameter N to show the number of Products. Click on a drop down in the Data Pane and select Create a Parameter
Step 5: Create Parameter dialog box opens. Enter Name as N products and data type as integer. Next, Click on "Range" in Allowable Values" and Set the Range of Values as Minimum to 5, Maximum to 20, and Step Size to 5. Finally, Click "OK" to Confirm the Selection
Step 6: Generate a Set by Selecting "Product Name", Choose "Create" from the Dropdown Menu, and then Select "Set".
Step 7: A create set dialog box opens. Enter Set name as Top N Products and click on "By Field" as Top N Products by Sum of Profit and then click ok
Step 8: Create Another Set for Bottom N Products by Repeating Step 6. When the “Create Set” dialog box opens enter the field name as “Bottom N Products” and click on “By Field” as “Bottom N Products” by Sum of Profit.
Step 9: Combine the two Sets by Selecting the "Top N Products" Set. While Holding the "Ctrl" Key, Select the "Bottom N Products" Set, and Choose "Combine Sets" from the Dropdown Menu.
Step 10: In the "Combine Set" Dialog Box, Name the Combined Set as "Top and Bottom N Products", and Click "OK"
Step 11: Drag the Combined Set into the Filters Shelf. This will Display the Top N Products and the Bottom N Products Based on the Value of N. In this Example, N is Set to 5, so it Shows the Top 5 and Bottom 5 Products. However, the Value of N can be Changed to Display Top and Bottom 10, 15, or 20 Products by Adjusting the Parameter Slider.
Step 12: To Better Visualize the Top and Bottom N Profitable Products, Drag the "Profit" Measure into the "Color" Section Under the "Marks" Card.
Step 13: To Show the Top and Bottom 10 Profitable Products, Click on the Parameter Slider and Adjust it to Display the Desired Number of Products.
In summary, Sets are a vital and versatile feature of Tableau that empowers users to analyze and visualize data in a more meaningful and focused way. By creating sets based on specific criteria, such as Top and Bottom N Products by Profit, users can gain deeper insights into their data and make more informed decisions. Moreover, Sets can be combined and used in filters to dynamically change the results, providing a valuable asset in any data analysis project.
Sets can be used in various ways to aid data analysis, such as grouping customers based on their purchase history or identifying consistent high or low sellers over time. This flexibility in application demonstrates the power of Sets in enhancing data analysis capabilities. Additionally, Sets can be utilized in complex analyses that involve multiple dimensions, providing a detailed perspective of the data.
In terms of data visualization, Sets provide a more targeted and interactive approach to data analysis, allowing for a more engaging and informative user experience. They enable users to create customized dashboards with insights that are specific to their business needs, promoting data-driven decision-making.
Overall, Sets are an essential feature of Tableau that can significantly enhance data analysis capabilities, allowing for a more targeted and interactive approach to data analysis. With its flexibility in application and ability to combine with other features, Sets provide a valuable tool for any data analyst or business owner looking to gain insights from data.